Jackie Viermontez is an Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner and Best Selling author of "I can't believe I dated him."
This girl is a proper 10. She has dedicated her life to helping woman all over the world. An advocate for women's rights, she has travelled to India, China and the far corners of Southern California, to create and teach curriculums that heal the side effects of grief, trauma and sexual abuse.
I started reading, "I can't believe I dated him." in the middle of a rather large heartbreak. To be completely honest I had a moment of, "how in the heck is a book going to help me?" And boy oh boy did that thought come to a crushing end when I started reading it. It's so beautifully written, it's like sharing your story with an old friend, there's no judgment, just an opportunity to feel what you feel, own your mistakes and find a healthy way to make a positive change. And there’s no dude bashing, which I feel like so many books on the subject do and that was important for me when reading it. I can't recommend it enough. Head on over to amazon and pick up a copy, promise you won't be disappointed.
Ladies and gentleman I give you Jackie Viramontez, Dreamer...
My dream is to create a sanctuary for women to come and rest, heal and re-envision their lives (preferably Cliffside, because why not?).
Free choice. It blows my mind sometimes when I think about how we are free to choose any path we want. It is overwhelming and completely liberating all at once.
Darkest moment
My older brother passed away when I was a kid. I felt like I had to be an adult when I was way too young, but that experience pushed me to do the work I do now. I wouldn’t change that moment, but I would change the way I let it dictate the first half of my life.
Remembering that nothing is too dark to overpower us. We always end up stronger and more equipped after going through struggle. I try to remember that every moment (the good, bad and ugly) in my life allows me to empathize and empower someone facing a similar experience.
What stirs your soul?
Music. Love. Rebellion. People who don’t wait for permission slips inspire me. I love when people rebel against old ways of doing things and pave their own way.
Your message to the world in 30 Seconds?
This might change if you ask me in a month, but here goes: No one gets to say who you are except you. Don’t wait for someone or something to tell you who you are. Don’t wait for a guy to tell you that you are loved. Don’t wait for a job title to tell you that you’re legit. Don’t let a past “mistake” define you. Choose who you want to be and go be that.
Freedom. I was a slave to perfection and opinions for way too long. I’m devoted to helping others walk out of those unnecessary jail cells ASAP.
What advice would you give to yourself at 7 years old?
7-year-old Jackie: Your thoughts and fears aren’t true, so don’t make decisions based on them. I think I need the same advice ten and twenty years later too.
At the moment, Whitney Cummings. She is a crazy-talented comedian who drops truth bombs that are mildly (and wildly) offensive. Her commentary on women’s rights and politics is beyond brilliant. Her stage title is “comedian”, but she is clearly an activist at heart.
Favorite non-physical attribute about your self?
I can see the good in people, even if others typecast them as bad.
Favorite freedom fighters
I have always been passionate about women’s right but it wasn’t until I travelled to SE Asia that I saw the horrific sexual abuse statistics worldwide. When I returned home, I researched the prevalence of sexual trauma in the states: 1 in 3 women! I switched from journalism to coaching because it felt like my impact could be more tangible. I also like to volunteer with Two Wings, and organization that empowers women escaping the sex trade right here in LA. They help survivors identify and pursue their dream career through mentoring, life skills classes and career training workshops. I had the chance to train these women in Strengths Finder, and help them use that knowledge to amp up their interviews and cover letters. I’ve literally never had more fun! Two Wings loves working with creative/ freelance types who have niche skills to teach these women.